-noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -noforcemparms -freq 70 -heapsize 524288 -full
-console ==> Direct Go to console after Launch.
+ex_interp 0.1 ==> Set intrep. 0.01 for LAN and 0.1 for ONLINE.
-heapsize 262144 ==> 512MB System Memory
-heapsize 524288 ==> 1GB System Memory
-heapsize 1048576 ==> 2GB System Memory
-noforcemaccel ==> reverts to desktop mouse acceleration settings.
-noforcemparms ==> reverts to desktop mouse button settings.
-noforcemspd ==> uses desktop mouse speed settings.
-w 640 -h 480 ==> forces the resolution to 640x480
-w 800 -h 600 ==> forces the resolution to 800x600
-w 1024 -h 768 ==> forces the resolution to 1024x768
-full ==> forces fullscreen mode
-windowed ==> forces window mode
-freq x ==> forces the monitor to use x hertz
-16bpp ==> forces the colors to 16bit
-32bpp ==> forces the colors to 32bit
-refresh ==> Adjust Refresh rate for monitor. Default = 72.
-freq ==>Set frequency in Hertz .
-gl ==> run in OpenGL
-d3d ==> run in Direct3d
-soft ==> run in software mode
-dxlevel 90 ==> DirectX 9
-dxlevel 81 ==> DirectX 8.1
-dxlevel 80 ==> DirectX 8
-dxlevel 70 ==> DirectX 7
-dxlevel 60 ==> DirectX 6
-heapsize x ==>specify the number (x) of memory to use
-zone x ==>allocates x amount of KiloBytes of memory for use with the console system
-noip ==>disables the use of UDP, which is part of the TCP/IP protocol
-noipx ==> disables the use of the IPX/SPX protocol
-nojoy ==> disables joystick support (shaves a little bit off the memory footprint)
-wavonly ==> disables the use of direct sound (only use if you are having sound problems)
-noaafonts ==> disables Anti-Aliasing of screen fonts
-autoconfig ==> restores video and performance settings to default
-condebug ==> logs all console output into the console.log text file
-novid ==> disables intro video
-console ==> Direct Go to console after Launch.
+ex_interp 0.1 ==> Set intrep. 0.01 for LAN and 0.1 for ONLINE.
-heapsize 262144 ==> 512MB System Memory
-heapsize 524288 ==> 1GB System Memory
-heapsize 1048576 ==> 2GB System Memory
-noforcemaccel ==> reverts to desktop mouse acceleration settings.
-noforcemparms ==> reverts to desktop mouse button settings.
-noforcemspd ==> uses desktop mouse speed settings.
-w 640 -h 480 ==> forces the resolution to 640x480
-w 800 -h 600 ==> forces the resolution to 800x600
-w 1024 -h 768 ==> forces the resolution to 1024x768
-full ==> forces fullscreen mode
-windowed ==> forces window mode
-freq x ==> forces the monitor to use x hertz
-16bpp ==> forces the colors to 16bit
-32bpp ==> forces the colors to 32bit
-refresh ==> Adjust Refresh rate for monitor. Default = 72.
-freq ==>Set frequency in Hertz .
-gl ==> run in OpenGL
-d3d ==> run in Direct3d
-soft ==> run in software mode
-dxlevel 90 ==> DirectX 9
-dxlevel 81 ==> DirectX 8.1
-dxlevel 80 ==> DirectX 8
-dxlevel 70 ==> DirectX 7
-dxlevel 60 ==> DirectX 6
-heapsize x ==>specify the number (x) of memory to use
-zone x ==>allocates x amount of KiloBytes of memory for use with the console system
-noip ==>disables the use of UDP, which is part of the TCP/IP protocol
-noipx ==> disables the use of the IPX/SPX protocol
-nojoy ==> disables joystick support (shaves a little bit off the memory footprint)
-wavonly ==> disables the use of direct sound (only use if you are having sound problems)
-noaafonts ==> disables Anti-Aliasing of screen fonts
-autoconfig ==> restores video and performance settings to default
-condebug ==> logs all console output into the console.log text file
-novid ==> disables intro video
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