Wednesday, 6 May 2015



Planting bomb in de_train is very easy.
Main task is to plant and don't let CT to diffuse the bomb.
How to plant and Where to plant Guide is given below:

This bombsite is by far the most important to get a bomb plant in. It’s probably the hardest site to retake once the bomb is planted, (apart from perhaps B on Cobble), simply for the fact that the offence can hide in so many different places. Most times there will be defenders on bomb train, at the back of vines, and one around the middle trains or up the big tower.

Plant for Open Side:

The most commonly used plant is in front of the bomb train. This is mainly because the faster you get the bomb down, the harder it is for the CTs to win the round. The bomb will be planted in front of the buckle of bomb train, but be aware of quick rotations from inside defenders down ladder to try and take out the bomb planter, and even defence stepping from mid con.

If you play hide and seek with the defence as they come outside with little time to scout around the trains and find you, you should be able to pull of easy round wins.

Plant for Dark Side:

This plant is used when the offence takes vines and goes towards CT spawn before planting. After planting you will generally want to push down to CT spawn with a couple of players and have someone at the back of 5 Train.

If more then one of you are alive good communication will make this plant a successful one. Watch out for CTs jumping on the buckle to fake defuse.

Plant for Both Side:

This plant is uncommon, but still has it uses in some situations. For example, you and your teammate are on opposite ends of the train yard, he is at open, and you are dark side. By planting the bomb next to the train against the wall, it enables you to both cover it from either side.

If you time your steps together, its really not hard to pick off the defender defusing, as he has no where to sit but in the middle, on the ground.

Two defensive players generally hold this bombsite, and they will vary their holds each round. Sometimes you will find an aggressive push onto brown halls, other times they will hold back in the site. Either way, if you plan on winning a round inside its vital to get the two picks quickly and get the bomb down as fast as possible, as the defence will be rotating speedily from outside.

Plant for High / Low Ramp:

his is the default plant spot after the offence takes the inside bombsite. Its quick and easy to get to, and it allows you to watch the bomb from the area in which you just cleared. Make sure that you check under “Pop Dog” and “Stumpy” train before planting the bomb.

Depending on how many of the defence is left you may want to go for a pick or two before hiding in this position. But once it comes down to the defusing, it’s all about the step and being able to pick off the right enemy.

Plant for CT Spon:

This is an uncommon plant spot, mainly used during clutch situations in 1v1s, or 1v2s to catch the opponent off guard with a different plant.

It’s a matter of instincts once you get this plant down, if you want to hide and hold CT spawn you can, although if there is more than one coming to defuse its probably not the best idea. Trying to ninja around the bottom of trains while they assume you are at CT spawn would most likely be more effective.

Keep in mind that this is only a guide, and by no means is the law of Counter-Strike. You can come up with your own plant spots with your teammates or even the people that you play with, the options are endless. However, there is but one thing you need to remember when deciding where you are planting the bomb. Communicating with your team as to where you have planted, as if they know where it is, they will be well aware of how they need to be set up, to stop the defence from defusing.

Saturday, 2 May 2015


Nuke is my favourite map among Dust2, inferno and train.
Bomb planting in de_nike is harder than all of the maps. This article show where to plant and how to plant bomb in de_nuke.

Upper Site:
This site by default will be held with one holding above ladder or in the rafters, and one on the floor, generally near bomb box, or next to the CT side vent.

Plant for Noisy/ Cabin/ Sector:

This is the default plant for top site; up against the box annex side. It’s the most ideal position to plant as your shielded from top of ladder, and the bomb is visible from all of the areas in which you will be holding from, after clearing the site. Defensive players may try to flash in annex or from rafters to step and kill you while you are planting but if your teammates are alive it shouldn't be a problem.

In most cases it’s a good idea to stay hidden until the defence starts their push onto the bomb.

Plant for Ramp(RR)/ Outer/ Mid:

This plant spot is useful if players come from ladder to clear top site, or the objective is to get one offensive player up ladder during the round. The plant behind the box makes ladder the ideal position to sit and wait for the defence to attempt a defuse.

Knowing when to step is the key if you manage to get up ladder with this plant. Generally you should only use it in clutch situations, or if you know that the defence is retaking from ramps / annex a lot.

Under Site:
Of course you realise that no one holds this site, but they hold ramps, which is the choke point between the ladder base, and the main access to the under bomb site. You either need to pick, or use well timed and placed flashes to take ramps, or the famous vent jump can be used, as commonly seen on offensive economy rounds.

Plant for Doors:

he standard plant for under is in front of the doors. Once the bomb is down the Offence can hide in the “Ghetto” and “Fake Ghetto” and wait until the defence tries to defuse, only to be shot through the doors.

Be aware that defensive players with smoke grenades will more then likely use them to sceem the defuse. If you take notice of where you plant and where you are standing when you set up, it shouldn’t really be a problem.

Plant for Vents:

This plant is used when there is defensive players in the Ghetto Halls. You can plant the bomb without being visible from the doors, by planting at the base of the down-ramp. This plant is good for offensive players that can find there way into the vents, or alternatively, hold from ramps as well.

Once again, knowing when to step is the key if you manage to make your way into vents. If you show yourself too early it can make the life of the defence very easy, but if you come down at the right time, it is devastating.

Keep in mind that this is only a guide, and by no means is the law of Counter-Strike. You can come up with your own plant spots with your teammates or even the people that you play with, the options are endless. However, there is but one thing you need to remember when deciding where you are planting the bomb. Communicating with your team as to where you have planted, as if they know where it is, they will be well aware of how they need to be set up, to stop the defence from defusing.


Friday, 1 May 2015


Bombsite A:
This is the main area of attack for an offensive team on Inferno, mainly because it’s hard to take B with only one choke point, and the CTs ability to counter-flash effectively in a small entry area. By default, it’s held with two players on the carpet and big pit side, and one CT archway. Most times, unless you are rushing, there will be two players at the CT Spawn side as one usually rotates from B if there is action at A.

Planting for Mid / Carpet:

This is the default plant spot that will be used nine out of ten times when the offence takes bombsite A. It’s effective because the box gives you cover from where the defence will be rotating from. Once the bomb is down, you can cover it from a variety of places that the defence will have a hard time scouting out in thirty seconds. If a B player pushed banana quickly he could flank up to the top of mid unaware to your teammates, unlikely as it is, be aware of it.

Once the bomb has been planted hiding is a great advantage, forcing the defence to push, and usually with not enough time to walk. This gives you plenty of opportunity to pick them off when they get close enough, making this site fairly easy to hold off retakes.

Planting for Library / Mini pit:

This is once again a less used plant spot, generally used in 2 v 2 or less type situations where the Terrorists try to get an edge by planting in a different spot.

If you manage to get this plant down and avoid the rotating defence you can really cause some havoc when they are forced to defuse, by holding from library, and even by hiding underneath mini pit.

Bombsite B:
The two-man site on this map by default is held with one playing in the site, and one holding archway side. If you can manage to smoke out either the stairs or archway as you come in, you can effectively single out one of the defenders to take the site more easily.

Middle of Site Plant:

Once again this is the plant that is most likely to be used when an offensive team takes down B but a lot of players seem to plant next to the box, which is less effective as planting it back from the box, and more in the open.

Most players in this plant spot will fake the defuse unless they know where you are, so if you hold from banana without being spotted you can sneak up and bob to look over the ledge, seeing whether the refuser is faking or not.

Plant for CT Spawn:

Once again another useful clutch round plant, which enables you to view the bomb from an awkward position, in this case, CT Spawn. You could use this plant if you knew the defence was rotating through middle to banana, or you could get the plant off and ninja your way around snake.

If there is more than one player alive this will be a hard plant to pull off, but once into position you would have to really mess up or be outplayed to lose.

Keep in mind that this is only a guide, and by no means is the law of Counter-Strike. You can come up with your own plant spots with your teammates or even the people that you play with, the options are endless. However, there is but one thing you need to remember when deciding where you are planting the bomb. Communicating with your team as to where you have planted, as if they know where it is, they will be well aware of how they need to be set up, to stop the defence from defusing.


Thursday, 30 April 2015


Where you plant the bomb can decide whether or not it gives you an advantage, or a disadvantage. There is usually two generic positions to plant the bomb in each bombsite, and I will go over these, explain why they are used, and try to show some special places to use in a clutch situation that will catch your enemy off guard.

de_dust2: Bombsite A

This is usually the bombsite that is held with three players, and another player generally watching one of the entries (catwalk from middle) to the bombsite. Once managing to clear the bombsite there is two main places to plant to the bomb.

Planting for Short A:

This is most commonly used plant at Bombsite A. It’s effective for the fact that most teams will take the site from Short A, so by quickly planting the bomb here and rushing back to where you’ve cleared you have already done half your job in holding off a defensive retake. As long as your teammates can cover A ramp, and ensure that a mid defender didn’t rush up middle to flank the planter, this should be simple.

When holding off a retake on this plant, you should ensure that catwalk is clear, and then you can come back up the stairs, and know that the enemy is coming from either CT spawn, or Long A. Practicing your timing on when to step is very important, especially in clutch situations. Knowing when people are faking or not is also a good skill to pick up.

Planting for Long A:

The Long plant is commonly used when an offensive team has an awper that can get into a cleared pit. The ability to shoot the defence when they try to defuse from here is a huge advantage, especially with a scoped weapon. There is other ways to plant for long, but this is the most common. While planting you have to be sure none of the defence are coming from CT spawn or can step from short, because you are very vulnerable to these areas. Long A should also be clear at all times while performing this plant.

Once the defence realises that the bomb is planted for long they will automatically be looking towards you, so make sure you either hide until the right time, or hit your shot before they hit theirs. The bomb, as I referred to as a player earlier, wont mind you baiting him, so use it for all its worth.

Planting for CT Spawn:

This plant is the least common, mainly because you plant the bomb towards the direction the defence is coming from. Having said that there is a time for this plant, and if performed will generally ensure a round win for your team. Say you have cleared A site, and you know that the remaining players are coming from short and long. You plant for CT spawn, and don’t have to worry about two guys coming from both directions, all you need to worry about is hitting your first shot when they go for the defuse.

This plant is a once off, but if you manage to get it down you give yourself an incredible advantage.

de_dust2: Bombsite B

Generally, this bombsite is held with one player inside of the site, and one player holding mid. The reason for this is that it’s easy to flash over the walls and retake a blind offensive side, but if you know how the enemy is going to play you can easily counter this.

When taking bombsite B there really is only one place to plant, and none are 100% correct .You should just remember to try and plant in the most open spot as possible, which sounds stupid, but when you think about it… if you have to plant in the open, the enemy will have to defuse in the open. The most common place to plant in bombsite B is shown in the picture below. You and your team will need to be wary of the defence busting in the double door before the bomb is down to catch an off guard planter, and the bomb planter himself will have to be weary of a spam spot outside of B in between the boxes.

Once the bomb plant is down, the CTs will set up for a retake and generally flash over the walls and then charge in. To counter this you should either hide from the flashes and step on them when they run in, or save some of your own flashes, wait till they build up outside of the site, and pre flash the defence to push on them. In this bombsite it’s not always wise to hide and use the bomb as bait, especially in a clutch situations.


Wednesday, 29 April 2015





Being clutch. Let's explain the word before we start this article. Being clutch is basically just being in a tough situation and knowing how to win the round for your team when the odds are against you. 1 on 4's, 2 on 5's, 1 on 1's. Pretty much any situation you are going to be in when there's more people alive on the other team than yours.

Now I'm pretty bad at counter-strike, hence the reason I write articles rather than competing in CPL matches. One thing I am good at though, is winning rounds during these clutch situations. So listen up people!

The Radar:

The first tip, and probably the biggest help in this article, is PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR RADAR. Your radar is like the mirrors on your car; you always need to be checking it and be aware of what's going on around you. Also, communicate. Know exactly what your team is watching and know where they are exactly. This way as soon as they die, you have a very good idea of where the opponents came from and where your teammate died. The reason for this is that as soon as they die, or begin a gun fight, you can already be planning your counter-attack while still in your spot.


When you are in a situation while being alive with one other teammate, it is important to have teamwork. Now on pistol rounds you are going to handle your situation a little different than a gun round. On pistol rounds if you are the last two alive, you ALWAYS need to stick together. If you do this, I guarantee you will win the round. If you split up on a pistol round, your opponent(s) have a way better chance of picking you off, where as being together, it will be much harder to kill both of you with one pistol.

 During gun rounds I suggest the exact opposite. You should split up, but have good timing together so that you can both be attacking from different angles and create a pickle sort of situation. If you two stay together on a gun round, there is a very good chance that the enemy will be able to random you and spray you down with one clip.

Using The Map:

Pretty much everyone reading this article probably has a pretty good idea about the timing on all of the maps. If you don't, I suggest you start paying a lot more attention. When you are in a 1 on 1 or even a 2 on 1, this is going to be extremely beneficial for you. I'll give you a situation.

 Let's say you are on dust2 on the Catwalk, your opponent is on the Long A ramp, and you are in a gun fight with him. Now, you should always have flash bangs, just for the reason that they will be your best friend in a clutch round. So you are in this gun fight and you throw your flash bang at him to temporarily blind him. Now you IMMEDIATELY fall back and go around to Long A. If you don't believe me, try it out. I guarantee you will catch the guy with his side turned to you still looking at the Catwalk if you hauled ass and ran non-stop to the Long A pit.

De_nuke (some points):

All I have to say about nuke is no matter if you are offense or defense in a clutch situation, never go to the freaking rafters. There are so many reasons why this is stupid I could go on all day. Basically the biggest reason you don't want to go there is because if you are in a gunfight in the rafters and you get knocked down to low health, you're screwed, especially as a CT. The other reason is that there is no possible way to get off of the rafters onto the floor without making noise. Even if you slip into the middle part of the bars and drop to the hut, you're making noise. The other team will know exactly where you are and you just blew your chances of getting the drop on them.

One other tip I have for nuke is the use of smoke grenades as CT. I remember at ESWC when we (3D) played the Brazilian team Revoltz. These guys had at least three smokes every round for the lower bombsite and it really messed us up. 99% of teams hide in the doors when they plant the lower bombsite. So when you have multiple smokes for the doors, the offense will have to come after you.

Delaying The Bomb:

As terrorist, you really need to practice this. There are a few different ways to do this that are very effective. The first way is by planting the bomb in an open spot. Some examples are: far out in the A bombsite so you can hide on the catwalk, to the left of the boxes in the B bombsite on inferno so you can hide in the side hall, or in front of the boxes in the upper bombsite in front of the boxes on nuke so you can hide outside. What you should notice about all the examples I've given is the fact that there is a wall you can hide behind that will let you strafe out back and forth to make the CT not be able to defuse without chasing you down. If he actually does this, he probably won't even have enough time to defuse if you did your job right.

 The other way, is a lot more fun and usually gets a lot of laughs. Pretty much you just use the advantage of EAX sound. Any map that has boxes on it in the bombsite, you'll be able to pull this off. Just float around the bombsite boxes and don't even try to kill the last CT alive. Just keep moving around and he will have to chase you, but if you're good enough, he won't be able to find you even though you are right behind the box.

The Do's and Don't Use of Guns:

I'm going to start off by saying unless you're KSharp reading this article, never ever ever use an AWP in a 1 on 1 or whatever the situation is. You have no idea where your enemy is hiding and when he pops out at you, it's going to be very hard to to flick shot him like a badass. If anything, gun run the AWP while you have an automatic rifle. What's gun running? Having two guns and keep dropping them as you're running and keep picking them up, so after you win the round you'll still have an AWP for the next round.

The #1 gun I suggest you look for during a clutch situation is a colt with a silencer on it. You'll be able to pull off some pretty ninja moves if the other team has no idea where you are.

Well everyone, I have a million more tips, but frankly this article is getting pretty long and I just plain don't feel like talking to you anymore! If anything just practice practice practice. Get more experience, get in more clutch situations. The more you do this and the more you learn people's tendencies this will just come to you naturally and just be automatic. So keep on truckin' everyone. I'm outta here.

Enjoy :D


CT Round for infy is tricky and much complicated..

Now no matter where the offense rushes, if any of them were inside, they are coming in with very low health no matter what. Just always make sure you are covering the thrower. I know I know. This tactic is going to make me look like a hypocrite for giving up the hallway, but it is just to make you think outside of the box. This tactic is meant to stop teams that love doing two things during their T pistol round: coming up middle, and boosting more than one player in the middle.

One player is going to be spotting banana. He is going to have to delay a rush to him as much as possible with a flash over the wall and even an HE. If he can do this, one of the middle players can fall back to him no problem. If he spots maybe one or two walking up, take someone out. A middle player should only fall back if you are being fully overwhelmed. Call for backup intelligently.

Now this is a head-stack near Counter-Terrorist spawn watching middle. It puts both of you in a great position to fall back and cover alley IF NEEDED. If not, two is going to be a lot better than one as a distraction.

What is this? Yep, a head-stack right next to them on the right side. Once the middle players on offense see this head-stack, are they REALLY going to expect two more people just feet away from them? Probably not. They can also cover the eventuality of a window room boost. This tactic DOES give up the hallway, and you may have to retake it. I would do so by having the spawn players going left, the right players going right and flooding the site with nades. Well folks that's all. These of course are not the best tactics on earth; they are merely here to help introduce a mindset for all tactics makers when designing this most crucial round’s play style. I'm done for now, see you next time!

Enjoy :D


First we have the outside player; he is in a great position. Giving up outside isn't that big of a deal, as he is just there to watch the outside entrance for the inner players. He has flexibility to fall back for a ramp rush, or come into the main entrance of upper depending on where the offense goes. Just keep them outside as long as possible, and if they go under your two ramp players can just run down, so no big deal.

I like this setup a lot sending both players right above the rafters. It is usually a death trap for HE grenades, but how many teams can you think of that buys HE grenades on a pistol round. Just stagger the two players a little bit and they can watch both door and hut entrance. If this site is being taken, it is raining HE and flash grenades. Just always try to kill the bomber first

Ramp room is really up to each team’s preference, but I'll show you what your best bet is. Unless a team is rushing three players outside, “wasting” your HE grenades on the Terrorist holding area is completely worth it. Come into the ramp room with the traditional flashbangs first off. Next, one player can hop on the box or get low standing up and the other player should throw his HE all the way into Terrorist holding, then vice versa. Switch positions letting your teammate throw his HE and you will 90% of the time get a kill by doing this.


This next setup is for train, and it should prove to be pretty much flawless, even if the other team knows exactly what you are doing.

The inner bombsite is going to have the lower player peaking like so with a flashbang. As soon as he spots one person he is going to let that flash fly. The second player up top and has his HE grenade to take down the health of everyone that is currently blind, then he can do whatever he wants. He can peek, he can flash and fall back, whatever he feels comfortable with. The lower player can also throw his HE if he feels he has the time.

Next is the ladder player. Playing on or around the bomb train is going to be the best position. Basically it is a VERY hard shot for the offense to make, and a little easier for the defense to make. You are pretty much just going to bait them into the site and if they send the bulk of them to you just throw this flashbang and it will slow them down a lot (a HE works well too).

Now we have a cross-fire at alley. By playing this exact position watching alley, he cannot be shot from middle, and his partner is right there to guard him. The reason for this cross-fire is that it puts them close to both alley and middle, the two most popular places for a rush. If they rush alley, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel once you drop your flashes and HE's at their feet.

If the offense decides to rush middle, my suggestion is to throw flashes deep near the far middle train and delay them as long as possible while throwing HE's and getting back-up.


Download and Install Bots in CS 1.6 (Steam/Non-steam)

It is always recommended for a newbie to learn playing with bots as it is quite hard to play online with pros. As Counter-Strike on Steam do not have Bots installed by default, you can simply install and use Bots with this simple guide.

To install bots in CS 1.6 just follow these simple steps:
 Download here

How To Install: Download any of the .zip file from the above link: After downloading Extract the files. Now copy these files into your cstrike directory For STEAM: C:/ProgramFiles/Steam/Steamapps/common/HalfLife/cstrike For Non STEAM: C:/ProgramFiles/Valve/Counter-strike/cstrike It will ask for Replace Files, replace them and you are done. Now just open your CS 1.6 and start raping BOTS. Comment for any problem you face. Thank You,