This next setup is for train, and it should prove to be pretty much flawless, even if the other team knows exactly what you are doing.
The inner bombsite is going to have the lower player peaking like so with a flashbang. As soon as he spots one person he is going to let that flash fly. The second player up top and has his HE grenade to take down the health of everyone that is currently blind, then he can do whatever he wants. He can peek, he can flash and fall back, whatever he feels comfortable with. The lower player can also throw his HE if he feels he has the time.
Next is the ladder player. Playing on or around the bomb train is going to be the best position. Basically it is a VERY hard shot for the offense to make, and a little easier for the defense to make. You are pretty much just going to bait them into the site and if they send the bulk of them to you just throw this flashbang and it will slow them down a lot (a HE works well too).
Now we have a cross-fire at alley. By playing this exact position watching alley, he cannot be shot from middle, and his partner is right there to guard him. The reason for this cross-fire is that it puts them close to both alley and middle, the two most popular places for a rush. If they rush alley, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel once you drop your flashes and HE's at their feet.
If the offense decides to rush middle, my suggestion is to throw flashes deep near the far middle train and delay them as long as possible while throwing HE's and getting back-up.
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