Thursday, 30 April 2015


Where you plant the bomb can decide whether or not it gives you an advantage, or a disadvantage. There is usually two generic positions to plant the bomb in each bombsite, and I will go over these, explain why they are used, and try to show some special places to use in a clutch situation that will catch your enemy off guard.

de_dust2: Bombsite A

This is usually the bombsite that is held with three players, and another player generally watching one of the entries (catwalk from middle) to the bombsite. Once managing to clear the bombsite there is two main places to plant to the bomb.

Planting for Short A:

This is most commonly used plant at Bombsite A. It’s effective for the fact that most teams will take the site from Short A, so by quickly planting the bomb here and rushing back to where you’ve cleared you have already done half your job in holding off a defensive retake. As long as your teammates can cover A ramp, and ensure that a mid defender didn’t rush up middle to flank the planter, this should be simple.

When holding off a retake on this plant, you should ensure that catwalk is clear, and then you can come back up the stairs, and know that the enemy is coming from either CT spawn, or Long A. Practicing your timing on when to step is very important, especially in clutch situations. Knowing when people are faking or not is also a good skill to pick up.

Planting for Long A:

The Long plant is commonly used when an offensive team has an awper that can get into a cleared pit. The ability to shoot the defence when they try to defuse from here is a huge advantage, especially with a scoped weapon. There is other ways to plant for long, but this is the most common. While planting you have to be sure none of the defence are coming from CT spawn or can step from short, because you are very vulnerable to these areas. Long A should also be clear at all times while performing this plant.

Once the defence realises that the bomb is planted for long they will automatically be looking towards you, so make sure you either hide until the right time, or hit your shot before they hit theirs. The bomb, as I referred to as a player earlier, wont mind you baiting him, so use it for all its worth.

Planting for CT Spawn:

This plant is the least common, mainly because you plant the bomb towards the direction the defence is coming from. Having said that there is a time for this plant, and if performed will generally ensure a round win for your team. Say you have cleared A site, and you know that the remaining players are coming from short and long. You plant for CT spawn, and don’t have to worry about two guys coming from both directions, all you need to worry about is hitting your first shot when they go for the defuse.

This plant is a once off, but if you manage to get it down you give yourself an incredible advantage.

de_dust2: Bombsite B

Generally, this bombsite is held with one player inside of the site, and one player holding mid. The reason for this is that it’s easy to flash over the walls and retake a blind offensive side, but if you know how the enemy is going to play you can easily counter this.

When taking bombsite B there really is only one place to plant, and none are 100% correct .You should just remember to try and plant in the most open spot as possible, which sounds stupid, but when you think about it… if you have to plant in the open, the enemy will have to defuse in the open. The most common place to plant in bombsite B is shown in the picture below. You and your team will need to be wary of the defence busting in the double door before the bomb is down to catch an off guard planter, and the bomb planter himself will have to be weary of a spam spot outside of B in between the boxes.

Once the bomb plant is down, the CTs will set up for a retake and generally flash over the walls and then charge in. To counter this you should either hide from the flashes and step on them when they run in, or save some of your own flashes, wait till they build up outside of the site, and pre flash the defence to push on them. In this bombsite it’s not always wise to hide and use the bomb as bait, especially in a clutch situations.


Wednesday, 29 April 2015





Being clutch. Let's explain the word before we start this article. Being clutch is basically just being in a tough situation and knowing how to win the round for your team when the odds are against you. 1 on 4's, 2 on 5's, 1 on 1's. Pretty much any situation you are going to be in when there's more people alive on the other team than yours.

Now I'm pretty bad at counter-strike, hence the reason I write articles rather than competing in CPL matches. One thing I am good at though, is winning rounds during these clutch situations. So listen up people!

The Radar:

The first tip, and probably the biggest help in this article, is PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR RADAR. Your radar is like the mirrors on your car; you always need to be checking it and be aware of what's going on around you. Also, communicate. Know exactly what your team is watching and know where they are exactly. This way as soon as they die, you have a very good idea of where the opponents came from and where your teammate died. The reason for this is that as soon as they die, or begin a gun fight, you can already be planning your counter-attack while still in your spot.


When you are in a situation while being alive with one other teammate, it is important to have teamwork. Now on pistol rounds you are going to handle your situation a little different than a gun round. On pistol rounds if you are the last two alive, you ALWAYS need to stick together. If you do this, I guarantee you will win the round. If you split up on a pistol round, your opponent(s) have a way better chance of picking you off, where as being together, it will be much harder to kill both of you with one pistol.

 During gun rounds I suggest the exact opposite. You should split up, but have good timing together so that you can both be attacking from different angles and create a pickle sort of situation. If you two stay together on a gun round, there is a very good chance that the enemy will be able to random you and spray you down with one clip.

Using The Map:

Pretty much everyone reading this article probably has a pretty good idea about the timing on all of the maps. If you don't, I suggest you start paying a lot more attention. When you are in a 1 on 1 or even a 2 on 1, this is going to be extremely beneficial for you. I'll give you a situation.

 Let's say you are on dust2 on the Catwalk, your opponent is on the Long A ramp, and you are in a gun fight with him. Now, you should always have flash bangs, just for the reason that they will be your best friend in a clutch round. So you are in this gun fight and you throw your flash bang at him to temporarily blind him. Now you IMMEDIATELY fall back and go around to Long A. If you don't believe me, try it out. I guarantee you will catch the guy with his side turned to you still looking at the Catwalk if you hauled ass and ran non-stop to the Long A pit.

De_nuke (some points):

All I have to say about nuke is no matter if you are offense or defense in a clutch situation, never go to the freaking rafters. There are so many reasons why this is stupid I could go on all day. Basically the biggest reason you don't want to go there is because if you are in a gunfight in the rafters and you get knocked down to low health, you're screwed, especially as a CT. The other reason is that there is no possible way to get off of the rafters onto the floor without making noise. Even if you slip into the middle part of the bars and drop to the hut, you're making noise. The other team will know exactly where you are and you just blew your chances of getting the drop on them.

One other tip I have for nuke is the use of smoke grenades as CT. I remember at ESWC when we (3D) played the Brazilian team Revoltz. These guys had at least three smokes every round for the lower bombsite and it really messed us up. 99% of teams hide in the doors when they plant the lower bombsite. So when you have multiple smokes for the doors, the offense will have to come after you.

Delaying The Bomb:

As terrorist, you really need to practice this. There are a few different ways to do this that are very effective. The first way is by planting the bomb in an open spot. Some examples are: far out in the A bombsite so you can hide on the catwalk, to the left of the boxes in the B bombsite on inferno so you can hide in the side hall, or in front of the boxes in the upper bombsite in front of the boxes on nuke so you can hide outside. What you should notice about all the examples I've given is the fact that there is a wall you can hide behind that will let you strafe out back and forth to make the CT not be able to defuse without chasing you down. If he actually does this, he probably won't even have enough time to defuse if you did your job right.

 The other way, is a lot more fun and usually gets a lot of laughs. Pretty much you just use the advantage of EAX sound. Any map that has boxes on it in the bombsite, you'll be able to pull this off. Just float around the bombsite boxes and don't even try to kill the last CT alive. Just keep moving around and he will have to chase you, but if you're good enough, he won't be able to find you even though you are right behind the box.

The Do's and Don't Use of Guns:

I'm going to start off by saying unless you're KSharp reading this article, never ever ever use an AWP in a 1 on 1 or whatever the situation is. You have no idea where your enemy is hiding and when he pops out at you, it's going to be very hard to to flick shot him like a badass. If anything, gun run the AWP while you have an automatic rifle. What's gun running? Having two guns and keep dropping them as you're running and keep picking them up, so after you win the round you'll still have an AWP for the next round.

The #1 gun I suggest you look for during a clutch situation is a colt with a silencer on it. You'll be able to pull off some pretty ninja moves if the other team has no idea where you are.

Well everyone, I have a million more tips, but frankly this article is getting pretty long and I just plain don't feel like talking to you anymore! If anything just practice practice practice. Get more experience, get in more clutch situations. The more you do this and the more you learn people's tendencies this will just come to you naturally and just be automatic. So keep on truckin' everyone. I'm outta here.

Enjoy :D


CT Round for infy is tricky and much complicated..

Now no matter where the offense rushes, if any of them were inside, they are coming in with very low health no matter what. Just always make sure you are covering the thrower. I know I know. This tactic is going to make me look like a hypocrite for giving up the hallway, but it is just to make you think outside of the box. This tactic is meant to stop teams that love doing two things during their T pistol round: coming up middle, and boosting more than one player in the middle.

One player is going to be spotting banana. He is going to have to delay a rush to him as much as possible with a flash over the wall and even an HE. If he can do this, one of the middle players can fall back to him no problem. If he spots maybe one or two walking up, take someone out. A middle player should only fall back if you are being fully overwhelmed. Call for backup intelligently.

Now this is a head-stack near Counter-Terrorist spawn watching middle. It puts both of you in a great position to fall back and cover alley IF NEEDED. If not, two is going to be a lot better than one as a distraction.

What is this? Yep, a head-stack right next to them on the right side. Once the middle players on offense see this head-stack, are they REALLY going to expect two more people just feet away from them? Probably not. They can also cover the eventuality of a window room boost. This tactic DOES give up the hallway, and you may have to retake it. I would do so by having the spawn players going left, the right players going right and flooding the site with nades. Well folks that's all. These of course are not the best tactics on earth; they are merely here to help introduce a mindset for all tactics makers when designing this most crucial round’s play style. I'm done for now, see you next time!

Enjoy :D


First we have the outside player; he is in a great position. Giving up outside isn't that big of a deal, as he is just there to watch the outside entrance for the inner players. He has flexibility to fall back for a ramp rush, or come into the main entrance of upper depending on where the offense goes. Just keep them outside as long as possible, and if they go under your two ramp players can just run down, so no big deal.

I like this setup a lot sending both players right above the rafters. It is usually a death trap for HE grenades, but how many teams can you think of that buys HE grenades on a pistol round. Just stagger the two players a little bit and they can watch both door and hut entrance. If this site is being taken, it is raining HE and flash grenades. Just always try to kill the bomber first

Ramp room is really up to each team’s preference, but I'll show you what your best bet is. Unless a team is rushing three players outside, “wasting” your HE grenades on the Terrorist holding area is completely worth it. Come into the ramp room with the traditional flashbangs first off. Next, one player can hop on the box or get low standing up and the other player should throw his HE all the way into Terrorist holding, then vice versa. Switch positions letting your teammate throw his HE and you will 90% of the time get a kill by doing this.


This next setup is for train, and it should prove to be pretty much flawless, even if the other team knows exactly what you are doing.

The inner bombsite is going to have the lower player peaking like so with a flashbang. As soon as he spots one person he is going to let that flash fly. The second player up top and has his HE grenade to take down the health of everyone that is currently blind, then he can do whatever he wants. He can peek, he can flash and fall back, whatever he feels comfortable with. The lower player can also throw his HE if he feels he has the time.

Next is the ladder player. Playing on or around the bomb train is going to be the best position. Basically it is a VERY hard shot for the offense to make, and a little easier for the defense to make. You are pretty much just going to bait them into the site and if they send the bulk of them to you just throw this flashbang and it will slow them down a lot (a HE works well too).

Now we have a cross-fire at alley. By playing this exact position watching alley, he cannot be shot from middle, and his partner is right there to guard him. The reason for this cross-fire is that it puts them close to both alley and middle, the two most popular places for a rush. If they rush alley, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel once you drop your flashes and HE's at their feet.

If the offense decides to rush middle, my suggestion is to throw flashes deep near the far middle train and delay them as long as possible while throwing HE's and getting back-up.


Download and Install Bots in CS 1.6 (Steam/Non-steam)

It is always recommended for a newbie to learn playing with bots as it is quite hard to play online with pros. As Counter-Strike on Steam do not have Bots installed by default, you can simply install and use Bots with this simple guide.

To install bots in CS 1.6 just follow these simple steps:
 Download here

How To Install: Download any of the .zip file from the above link: After downloading Extract the files. Now copy these files into your cstrike directory For STEAM: C:/ProgramFiles/Steam/Steamapps/common/HalfLife/cstrike For Non STEAM: C:/ProgramFiles/Valve/Counter-strike/cstrike It will ask for Replace Files, replace them and you are done. Now just open your CS 1.6 and start raping BOTS. Comment for any problem you face. Thank You,


ow to get your crosshair colors that aren't available in your options menu.

Here is the list of Crosshair colors that you can change too.

Yellow [Default Color] cl_crosshair_color "250 250 50"

Orange cl_crosshair_color "250 128 50"

Red [Default Color] cl_crosshair_color "250 50 50"

Magenta cl_crosshair_color "250 50 250"

 Blue [Default Color] cl_crosshair_color "50 50 250"

Lite Blue [Default Color] cl_crosshair_color "50 250 250"

Green [Default Color] cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50"

White cl_crosshair_color "250 250 250"

Gray cl_crosshair_color "192 192 192"

Black cl_crosshair_color "0 0 0"

Pink cl_croshhhair_color "250 10 170"

Also You can make your own color by changing RGB values from 0 - 255.
In "000 000 000" to "255 255 255".



The Counter-Terrorist pistol round is one of the most important rounds of the half. Not only is it a pistol round, but how you play it will also determine the third round. In this article I'm going to start off by explaining ideas behind making Counter-Terrorist pistol tactics and then I'll go over a couple I came up with real quick on several different maps. First off, when talking about Counter-Terrorist pistol rounds I have always had a favorite saying. That saying is “If you don't get your HE grenade off in this round, it is a waste of a round”. There is no reason that all five players shouldn't get their HE grenade off before they die in this pistol round, even if you know you are about to die you need to get that HE grenade off, it is crucial. You will see a lot of my tactics like to spot long rage positions in order to give you plenty of time to get your HE grenade off. Always remember that this is not a gun round and not many people are going to be able to pick you off across the map with one bullet to your face. They can, but it is rare. The last, but most important part about creating a good pistol round for the CT side is setting up so that the offense can not get the bomb down. Giving up bombsites is a no-no on this round. A couple good examples are playing outside of the bombsite in B on de_dust2, or playing very far back on de_train in the inner bombsite. As mentioned in my previous article, if the offense gets the bomb down in the pistol round they are guaranteed $4,000 in the third round. If you don't let the offense get the bomb down you are pretty much guaranteed two more rounds just like in the old days. Now we'll get to the fun part! We're going to start out with everyone's favorite map, de_dust2. This is a pretty default setup, nothing too fancy here. First off we'll talk about bombsite A. The long A player is going to boost both catwalk players up to the catwalk and then go to his position.

Now the two catwalk players play in a pretty aggressive positioning, but it gives them so much flexibility to do whatever they want. They can drop B tunnels if there is a B rush, flank long A if there is a full long A rush, or if they just spot some players catwalk the back player still has his flash and both of them both have HE's to slow down any rush long enough for backup. The player peaking catwalk should fire a few shots and then start moving around if he doesn’t kill the first player he sees, because the offense is going to expect him as the only one there and he will have three players shooting at his face. Meanwhile, the back player is hopping up and down next to him to spot lower B halls. This is going to be great for the B setup, which we'll get into later.

Now the two catwalk players play in a pretty aggressive positioning, but it gives them so much flexibility to do whatever they want. They can drop B tunnels if there is a B rush, flank long A if there is a full long A rush, or if they just spot some players catwalk the back player still has his flash and both of them both have HE's to slow down any rush long enough for backup.

The player peaking catwalk should fire a few shots and then start moving around if he doesn’t kill the first player he sees, because the offense is going to expect him as the only one there and he will have three players shooting at his face. Meanwhile, the back player is hopping up and down next to him to spot lower B halls. This is going to be great for the B setup, which we'll get into later.

The long A player has a great opportunity to keep the opponents at a distance for a very long time. All he has to do is strafe back and forth just to keep a tab on how many are coming, and how close they are.

The second screenshot is a great flashbang spot for when they get pretty close to the bombsite.

Bomb Site B:


Run time error messages are fairly common problem in computers. They are basically a way to warn you that there is something wrong with the system. This can occur if you have installed a program which has higher requirements than what your system can handle. Or this can even occur due to some missing program file. There might be some program files which were not successfully installed and thus not functioning properly. You can see the error message dialog box in the image given below. If you are having the same problem, then this post can help you.

How to solve it ? In this post i am going to tell you how to solve the error which occurs during execution of counter strike game. The run time error which occurred to me while playing counter strike is shown in the image above. Lets see how do we solve it. Open Task Manager (right click on the task bar and click on Task Manage) Go to Processes Tab. Find the process named ‘Explorer‘. Right click on it and click ‘End Process’. Note: Now your desktop icons might disappear. Don’t Panic. Go to next step. Go to Applications Tab. Click on ‘New Task’ Type: Explorer.exe and press Enter. You are done. Now try to run your program (counter strike in this case). Hopefully it will work now. If the run time error problem persists then try one of the following solutions : Re-install your program (counter strike in this case) Or Re-install Microsoft Visual C++ Run time Library.


Set the resolution too high and cant see anything?

Sometimes we try different resolutions to see which one suits us best but that may turn into a problem in which you cant even see your menu buttons, therefore changing resolution through menu also become impossible. Don't worry there is a very simple solution for this problem, you are just going to set some launch options.

Cant change your resolution back to normal?

For non steam:

1. Create a shortcut of the actual game executable. Then go properties and look in the target window. It should look like this "C:\installation Directory\Counter-Strike 1.6\hl.exe" 2. Outside of the quotation marks type -width 800 -height 640 So it should now look like this "C:\Installation Directory\Counter-Strike 1.6\hl.exe" -width 800 -height 640 3. Then go into your options, change to whatever resolution you want. 4. Finally remove "-width 800 -height 640" from the shortcut.

 For Steamers: 1. Right click CS 1.6 in steam games window. 2. Click properties. 3. Click set launch options. 4. Type in -autoconfig and click enter. that should re-store the game to its original configurations :) Thank you

LoadTGA: Only type 2 and 10 targa RGB images supported

LoadTGA: Only type 2 and 10 targa RGB images supported
This is common error which occurs when any .tga image is downloaded from a server


\Open your cstrike folder located at C:ProgramFiles\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike\. Then Open “resource” folder. Delete folder named “images”. Your problem has been solved. Now those files will be auto downloaded when you connect to a server. Open CS and it will work fine. How To Avoid This in Future: There are chances that you again connect to a server which caused you this error or you connect to any server which contains wrong “.tga” files. Again the solution is simple, follow these steps: Double click your “steam” icon on Desktop. Goto LIBRARY and right click COUNTER STRIKE. Click “properties” and select Local Files tab. Click the Verify Integrity of game cache button. Steam will verify the game's files- this process may take several minutes. Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit. Now you are done and you will never face the same problem again. Thank you.


Fail to initialize Authentication interface. Exiting....

This error generally occurs when you have participated in "beta" version of new update which is not fully supported. Therefore, this error occurs when your system is not able to play the "beta" version of the game.

This is a general error which occurs when you go for beta update of cs 1.6. As they are "beta" updates, so there are not such a stable version, so if you see this error it takes 2 minutes to solve this problem and this is how you solve it.

SOLUTION: Open Steam, goto account tab. Click on "change in Beta participation". Select "none". Click OK and restart steam.


Counter Strike 1.6, the following error message is displayed

This is a general error in CS 1.6 and the solution is also very simple.

Right click the cstrike shortcut on your Desktop. Click on Properties.
Go to “Compatibility” Tab.

 Choose “windows xp service pack 2″ on run mode, and check the box ‘Run this program as administrator’. Click Apply and OK.

Monday, 27 April 2015


“Only Noobs Spray”

Spraying is generally frowned upon, in fact if people see you do it, they’ll immediately call you a Noob. In most cases this is generally true because more often than not, it is much better to burst fire 2-3 bullets, than to “spray and pray“. Spraying builds up a lot of recoil which causes weapons to shoot in fairly unpredictable directions.
That been said, there are times when it is actually a better idea to spray. This usually occurs when you have multiple targets attacking you at close-medium range, making the burst fire method too slow to react in time.

Is it possible to control spray fire?

The answer is YES! Many Counter-Strike players do not realize that it IS possible to control spray-fire, to a extent that is.

Spray patterns?

Few people know that each weapon in Counter-Strike has several “spray patterns”; A formation of bullets formed while standing still and spraying through an entire clip of ammo.
A few points about these “spray patterns” are:
  • Patterns are only predictable while not moving, once you move they become to random too predict.
  • While crouching, the patterns seem to crunch together, forming a tighter, more accurate pattern.
  • Each weapon has approximately 3-4 different spray patterns.
  • By just looking at your gun model, and the way your screen corrects, it is “sometimes” possible to predict which “spray pattern” your gun recoil is projecting.

Controlling your Spray-Fire

There are two ways to spray.
  1. Go with the recoil (uncontrolled spray)
    • This method is fairly straight-forward. It requires identifying what spray pattern your gun is producing through recoil and aligning your cross-hair where the bullets will fly. For instance, the image below shows 4 different examples of uncontrolled recoil, and some of the spray patterns produced by the m4a1 carbine. If a “T” pattern if being formed, it would make sense to pull the mouse down towards your target’s chest. Since the recoil is forming a “T” formation, it will kick up and will very likely land you a head-shot.
  2. counter-strike spray pattern
  1. Resist the recoil (controlled spray)
    • This method requires a lot of skill to master. As above, it helps if you can identify the spray pattern of your recoil. From there you must correct your cross-hair to offset your recoil into the smallest, tightest pattern possible. The image below shows 4 different examples of controlled recoil, and the spray patterns produced by the m4a1 carbine.
  2. counter-strike spray pattern

General Spraying Tips

  • While mid-spray, if you’re missing your target try ducking while focusing on your opponent’s head.
  • If you examine your cross-hair while mid spray, it is possible to get an accurate burst fire off if you let your recoil cool-down for a moment or so (assuming you are standing still).

Practice makes perfect

These methods are much too complicated to explain in words alone, so I suggest you start a server and try spraying at a wall to learn ways to identify and control your recoil. The longer you practice, the better you will become. Remember spray-firing should be used only when you are under attack from multiple targets, otherwise burst firing should be the preferred method.
In later articles, i will go over every weapon’s spray pattern and effective techniques for utilizing them. For now make sure you read my secret about how to improve your aim immediately.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Couldn't find 'decals.wad' in "DEFAULT GAME" search path

Couldn't find 'decals.wad' in "DEFAULT GAME" search path

This fatal error shows when you Start to connecting to new servers OR, Starting the Game.
Because game download file from server which changes file in game directory.
This error causes game to crash or unable to start.
This is very common error in Counter-Strike 1.6.
That means "decals.wad" file is missing or Changed. 
You just need to download the file and place at its specific location.

DOWNLOAD decals.wad

Paste that file in cstrike folder.



After pasting the file, right click on it and make it READ Only so that this error never happens again.